Decades of experience.

At Stanton, we’ve been creating, performing, writing, producing, mixing, and mastering music in one way or another for 25 years. Our sound continues to evolve and we love keeping a close eye and ear on what’s new and trending. If you want “that” sound, we’ll get you there!


Adam Stanton
Owner | Songwriter | Engineer | Producer

Adam’s music journey started as a young stage performer, which grew into song writing and singing in a pop vocal group. He later fell in love with beatmaking and producing, which fueled his interest in recording and mixing music. Soon enough, Adam was contributing on other artist’s projects before stepping aside as an artist and devoting his full time and skillset to the production, recording, and mixing side of the industry. Adam has worked on hundreds of songs with a variety of artists and genres. His work has amassed close to 300 million views and streams on a global scale.

Karolyn Stanton
Owner | Songwriter | Performance Coach

Meet Karolyn. A professional, powerhouse vocalist. A gifted songwriter. A live performance mentor. Karolyn brings to our team her rich history of performing for live audiences and songwriting for recording artists. In addition to her role at Stanton Studios as a vocal coach, she also provides guidance to elevate your stage presence as an artist.